Education Programs
Learn With Us
Education & career building
We offer a variety of educational programs developed to help you overcome academic challenges and excel in the classroom and beyond. The My Action Plan To Education (M.A.P.) is a program aimed at helping youth to continue on the road to success in school. The M.A.P. Program is based on four guiding principles: academic, social, financial, and advocacy.
We offer the M.A.P Program in two phases.
Social skills & life skills
Our programs are developed to foster a sense of belonging, personal empowerment, achievement, and self-confidence. Come learn new skills in a safe and supportive environment and work towards achieving personal goals. We have a wide range of social programs to support.
Mental Health
Social Skills
Life Skills
Goal Setting
The Skilled4Success program (S4S) supports youth in both building and navigating their road map(s) towards pre-employment skill development, their first job, and beyond!
Youth participating in the program are given opportunities to build confidence, develop a resume, and a network of opportunities.
Digital Creative Arts Centre
The Digital Creative Arts Center™ (DCAC) is an instructional facility and classroom like no-other in Southwestern Ontario. It's a hub for London’s music and digital arts creative community.
The DCAC offers unique experiences for everyone wanting to discover and create music and digital art, in an affordable, safe and supportive facility.
The DCAC is a studio, classroom and performance space.
From the Archives